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Thursday 8 September 2011

LIEberals for the people? I think not.

Good start for this blog, thanks to Norm FarrelLaila Yuile and other on the spot bloggers who are concerned, and astounded at the bald-faced lying going on in politics and in the media today.
Thanks to their hard works and dedication, they've made a blogger out of me as I cannot sit idly on my hands anymore and feel the need to give and repost and add my own topics and issues about our governing "leaders" and media reps who go all out (especially at beach parties, vacations and so forth) at the taxpayers expense both emotional and financial, to promote one another into fortuitous positions like Campbell getting the Post of High Commissioner to Great Britain a posting that has most auspicious, albeit at for their own personal agendas, politicians drooling for.

That, and the incredible statement that Gordon (I didn't do it) Campbell is being appointed (illegally I might add, although this is under contention atm) to the Order of BC.
SAY WHAT?? 0.o
Yep, seems the powers that be (Campbell's former staffers and "buddies") are pushing for him to receive this honor, one that usually is reserved for "Exceptional Achievements" in specific areas.
I'm pretty sure though, that running BC into the ground, does NOT count as an achievement to the peoples of BC, nor should the OBC be endorsing it.

Woe to those who have broken public trust, as a legendary icon (Frank Zappa) once said: "May their shit come to life and kiss them".
Going to need lots of Charmin in the near future if these people (Pamila Martin, CKNW's Bill Good, right on up to Christy Clark) don't stop with the gushing of sentiment (sediment?) that puts them on the pedestal of what NOT to say or do while holding public or government office, and to make sure their tweets don't let the cat out of the bag.